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Eglinton Veterinary Facilities

Integrative Medicine

Alternative therapies and natural medicine can be incredibly effective in treating chronic medical conditions in pets as in people. Many pet owners are looking for answers to their pets’ health issues outside of traditional Western medical practices.  

“Holistic medicine” is an all-encompassing term for all alternative and complementary medicine practices, defined as exploring all aspects of a patient in a comprehensive way, whereas “Integrative medicine” is a form of holistic medicine. The goal of integrative medicine is to combine aspects of traditional Western medicine with holistic medicine practices to create personalized treatment options for patients.  

Who will be coordinating our integrative care?  

Dr. Bev Bateman has been practicing at Eglinton Vet since her graduation from the Ontario Veterinary College in 2001. Bev has found success in using acupuncture and other integrative modalities in her own health journey and she also sought out acupuncture to help her dog Sunny get through a range of medical issues, including inflammatory bowel disease, allergies, and arthritis. Sunny was her motivation to finally start to bring acupuncture into our Clinic!  

Dr. Bev completed her certification in small animal acupuncture through the College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies in January of 2022 ( This certification required training in Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) and she has since continued her training through the Chi Institute in Reddick, Florida ( and started to also use traditional Chinese herbal medicines to further help her patients. Our practice has also owned a therapeutic laser since 2012, but Dr. Bateman recently upgraded the laser unit to allow her to use the benefits of light therapy to augment acupuncture sessions.  

If you are interested in learning how you can schedule an integrative consult with Dr. Bev please ask our client care team today by reaching us at 416-487-1533 or at [email protected].