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Patient Care Attendant



Patient Care Attendant


I was drawn to animals while I was growing up. The desire to understand and care for them has always captured my interest. By participating in hands-on volunteer work at various veterinary clinics during high-school co-op I was able to broaden my knowledge vastly within this field. My interest in patient care heightened as I embarked on my career through the Veterinary Assistant program at Seneca. This is where I gained my knowledge and skills that help me to help patients. The program provided me with an opportunity to seek out a field placement where I could use the skills I had learned. This led me to a placement at Eglinton Veterinary Facilities, and now a position on their care team. My role in the clinic is assisting the doctors and technicians in their appointments and helping during procedures, upkeeping the cleanliness of the hospital, and most importantly, providing a safe and loving environment for any patient coming through our door. Outside the clinic, I’m quite the homebody. Snuggling up to a good book and listening to music. In the future, I hope to get back into playing the guitar.

 “For today, rather than worry, just go”